I have heard that the PC 4212 dovetail jig requires special bits that can only be found through PC. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Has anyone found them elsewhere? I’m looking for a reasonably priced dovetail jig and I’ve heard good things about the usability of that one, but negatives about finding bits.
I have that jig, which comes with the bits for each type of joint, by the way. I don't know why you couldn't use any dovetail bit. As far as the box joint templates go, you might need their bits to get the pins and the tails to be exactly the same size. Let me explain: When you cut dovetails, you are cutting the pins and tails at the same time, so they match each other. In the box joint however, you cut each board (1/2 of the joint) to be joined separately, so each tooth and each gap has to be exactly equal. Since the template is locked into a certain spacing, the bit has to mirror that exact same spacing to make the box joint fit together. I have only used the dovetail template, but have a box joint project coming up. It is a nice jig for basic strong joints. My goal is to learn to do the fancy dovetails by hand.
I think most jigs want special Bits....
I use my regular bits and nobody knows.. I think? I have Ircra and sort of flexable if ya think first!
I bought the jig recently. The only problem I've had was when I called them to ask about purchasing their bits and other accessories (box joint bits..) and was told that the bits were not available anymore!! This was just a month after introduction of the jig. I think the person on the other end of the phone was not up on this being a "new" item. I haven't called them recently since I haven't had the need for the bits. You might want to call the hdqtrs and ask as to the availability. Maybe drop me a line if you get a chance. I have used it to cut some dovetails, thru and HB and find the jig to be rock solid with great joints... Good luck.
Greg Alexander
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