Am considering purchasing one. Has anyone had any experience with these in comparison to bench top models? Is anyone aware of a comparison review? Would appreciate any comments or recommendations. Thanks…..
Am considering purchasing one. Has anyone had any experience with these in comparison to bench top models? Is anyone aware of a comparison review? Would appreciate any comments or recommendations. Thanks…..
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The most common one is the Powermatic. Fisch makes one but it looks more like a benchtop unit on a stand. I think Bridgewood or Grizzley have one also. I've never seen a review. I have seen a couple of old industrial models on Ebay that are the old foot operated type. I've demo'd the new Powermatic and will most likely buy one when the right job comes along. My only complaint is that the table height is really low. Maybe it's so you can put your weight on it? I'd probably give it try as is, but I wouldn't be surprised to be raising it about a foot.
John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid - John Wayne
I have Powermatic- just got it last Christmas!
Guys, I'll tell you what. Bench top models (in retrospect) are toys. The Powermatic plows through wood like you wouldn't believe. Further (and the reason I got it) is the sliding table- with stops. I can't tell you how nice it is to set up a mortise and repeat it a dozen times- exactly.
As for the table height- yeah, well, I'm 6'7" and I was really worried about that too. I, ahem, have it on the pallet it came on (nice wide base), about 4" off the floor, and I wouldn't change the height now. Basically the wheels and the lever are at a nice height standing up. I do pull up a chair to set it up, but not to actually bore anything. FWW did do a review last year (I think)- I'll see if I can find the issue when I get home. LOL- never mind I found the link! Nov/Dec '02... notice you get to see the yellow one a lot...
Oh, the amazing part? It's hard to tell the difference using it with alder or white oak cutting. If you all want I'll post a picture machine in use...
I recall the article recommending either the Powermatic or the General with a "tip of the hat" toward the General for a slightly better hold-down.
I have a freind that's also very happy with his Powermatic.
I don't know anyone with the General, or any other brand for that matter, though I would be very interested in their feedback.
tony b.
I have never even seen a piece of General machinery. And I think the reason why is shipping- I was thinking of a General jointer but the shipping was painful. Hard to beat a Powermatic delivered in the garage from Amazon... free shipping is, uh, excellent.
As for the hold down- I don't know. I've never even had the wood move- under any set up. I'm going to have to find that review now!
The December 2002 issue of Fine Woodworking, #159, did a full article review of pedestal base mortisers. It discussed all of the machines mentioned here.
John W.
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