Pedestal Dining Table Dimensions

Curious for some feedback: I’m building Tim Rousseau’s pedestal table, and my wife wants the tabletop to be ~10″ longer than the plan’s.
I planned on lengthening the long axis arm and foot accordingly, but I wonder if any of you think I should over-size any of the other parts proportionally as well, especially the column.
Rousseau’s plan is attached — TIA
*editor’s note. I deleted the attached PDF since that is members-only content. -Ben
If you feel like the proportions look wrong or you need more beef the place to add it is where the column meets the feet on the long axis of the table. Considering your plans came with the sketchup model it should be "easy" to work out...depending on your comfort with the program.
A 5" longer arm can add considerable leverage. IMO adding width to the long axis is a good idea. I think the parts will be fine in the same thickness. Think of it as adding an inch or so to the flat sides of the column parts and stretching the shoulders where the post meets the top & bottom crossmembers in that axis.
Extending the top 5 inches each end will result in increasing the stress on the column joinery by 15%, this will be mainly felt at the intersection of the column and feet assembly. Making the bottom of the column 3/4 inches wider from 3 1/2 inches to 4 1/4 inches in the short axis and 4 1/4 inches to 5 inches in the long would cover for the added stress without affecting much of the aesthetic.
Gulfstar, Just for my curiosity is the formula that you used:
Original Table Length = 62 inches
New Table Length = 72 inches
Increase in Length = 10 inches
16.6% = 10 inches / 62 inches - or - approximately 15%
Yes, the effort on the base joint is a torque created by a 36 inches lever instead of a 31 inch so a little over 15% additional moment for the same weight applied 5 inches farther.
Thank you Gulfstar! It makes sense. Good to know for future reference.
I agree with the above. However, just changing the length would change the overall proportions. You should consider changing the width of the top by the same ratio along with commensurate changes to the base as stated above. In other words, just change the overall size (except height) by the same ratio. That way it is the same table in a different size.
You might consider building a model or two to see how the changes will look.
I did create a full-sized model of the lengthened tabletop (72" x 39 1/2") with Rousseau's boat curves and placed 8 dining chairs around it. It looked good and felt adequate.
Lengthen the arms. Beef up the support arms by 1/2" or so.
Excellent suggestions, thank you. I've incorporated them into my final build.
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