Personal sawmill owners….Resawing slab wood
I want to resaw slab wood. Would a personal sawmill be the only tool to resaw 12″ – 36″ wide stock? What is the thinnest slices you can get? Can you start with a 2-3 inch thick piece? I have bought a few slabs of wood and want to get the most from my materials. All the pieces are 12+” wide. I am not interested in cutting them in half and then resawing them on a bandsaw to then rejoin as a bookmatched set. While bookmatching can look very nice, I want to utilize the entire pieces wood grain in the projects I am working on. Does anyone have any experience with this or any recommendations.
Take a look at the woodmizer website, I seem to remember that they had some good info, they can also leed you to their customers who can give you good feedback.
For the most part, resawing 2-3" slabs that are 12 - 36" wide is going to result in boards that will cup and bow quite badly. You would be better to use such material for table, bench tops or other projects that utilize the thickness as it is. Thicker lumber is often desired for turning stock, legs, carvings, brackets, etc. If you want to make things out of 3/4" boards or less, go buy some, or trade, don't ruin some hard to get slabs.
Slab wood
I have a Woodmizer (LT30). I could do what you described. Properly set up, I can make slices thin enough to see light through (1/32"???) and the last cut can be about 7/8" depending on how much I want to risk hitting the guides and clamps (1" is standard). As another poster stated, the quality will be low. If the slabs have dried and or warped the process is exponentially more difficult. If a person came to me and wanted it done I would do it, get paid and not guarantee anything.
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