My picture allocation is all used up according to Taunton. How do I delete old pics so I can post new. (Didn’t even know I had an “allotment”). Help, I need to post new pics on gutter hand plane.
Thanks to any hep.
Bill D.
My picture allocation is all used up according to Taunton. How do I delete old pics so I can post new. (Didn’t even know I had an “allotment”). Help, I need to post new pics on gutter hand plane.
Thanks to any hep.
Bill D.
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Something weird is going on with attachments. Nobody really has any answers at this time. They're working on it.
Who's "they" if no one has any answers? Is this some type of Covert OPS ??? Can anyone post , or just those who have allotments left??
Bill D.
"They" is the people at Taunton who manage the site. The reason they don't have answers is that the the company that provides the hosting service made changes without telling anyone.
If you get to the page that lists all your attachments, there's a link at the bottom that says something like "click if you think the total is wrong."
Clicking the link resets you to zero used.
Others have begun posting on other photo sites and merely linking to those posts.
Personally, I'm in a "civil disobedience mode" and I refuse to look for, or use, workarounds. If folks start removing old pics, or linking to pages that disappear in the future, much of the value of the site is lost. (I go to old posts for info all the time and would hate to find nothing but the dreaded "Red X" in place of useful photos.)
Taunton must be encouraged to keep up the pressure on Mzinga/Prospero/whoever to relent and allow pic posting as in the past -- or find a new host who's more reasonable.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
Everything fits, until you put glue on it.
I don't have the "reset button" available.
I agree it I can't remove or modify some of the old pictures I have posted this discussion board has lost some real value.
It is kind of like keeping all my old FWW mags on a shelf. sometimes I use them for research.
I just checked again. Click on the "Attach Files" button. You'll see the pie chart. Under the pie is a "Click here to find your old attachments" link. Click on that. You'll see a list of your prior pics. At the bottom of that list is: "Click here if you think that we have counted your attachment space incorrectly."
Try clicking that. I just tried and, while it didn't reset to zero (Mzinga must be catching on), it did give back 67K.
You could also start signing in with an endless stream of different logins, like snapperhead 1, snapperhead 2, . . . as your allotment is used.
While I understand there may be valid business reasons for Mzinga to implement this, I think it kinda sucks that they just flipped the switch overnight without any prior warning or discussion of possible alternatives. I'm hoping Taunton is a big enough, and determined enough, customer to press the issue with 'em, or switch providers.
Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PAEverything fits, until you put glue on it.
OK, now how do I delete some of the old files to make room for the new pictures I want to post?
I still can't post pictures without running out of space.
I have tried to make my Jpeg pictures smaller once on the computer but either can't or don't know how.
From the pie chart, you go to the page that shows all your attachments. Click on the link to the pic you wanna delete. In that thread, edit the post, and click on "Manage Attachments". Checkmark the one(s) you wanna burn and click on the "Delete" button.
As for making pics smaller, download and install Irfanview (Google it). Open the pic in Irfanview, click on "Image" in the toolbar. Click on "Resize/Resample". Choose "Set new Size" and fill in something like 320 X [whatever shows up]. Then "OK." Then you have to save the reduced file, so "Save As" and pick a name and location.
I'm sure there are easier ways, but that's what I do. (You can also resize a bunch of pics at once, which is what I usually do if I plan to post 'em.)Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PAEverything fits, until you put glue on it.
Billy, before you go deleting a bunch of attachments, which readers may want to see when they read older threads, click here and read what Gina (SysOp) had to say about the situation. I'm hoping that this limit thing will change soon. Try the reset idea above too.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 6/9/2009 12:51 pm by forestgirl
Thanks for the link and the info. Me thinks I'll ride the storm for awhile, then see what happens (or not). I gave up being in a hurry a LONG time ago (when I past 50 a few years ago) and thank God my ,young AND beautiful wife understands. Thanks again.
Bill D. QWC
"I gave up being in a hurry a LONG time ago (when I past 50 a few years ago) ...." Yeah,, things come into perspective about then, don't they? I'm not too far from the next decade, we'll see what that has to offer!
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 6/10/2009 12:35 am by forestgirl
Good news!
Well, maybe.
For now at least, the pie chart seems to be history.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
Everything fits, until you put glue on it.
I didn't have the pie before but as of this moment I do.
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