Plans not in the “Digital Plans Library”?

I’m interested in a plan from #289-May/June 2021, from the article The plan for this chair does not seem to be in FWW’s “Digital Plans Library”, but is available for $13 from Taunton at
I guess it will not be added to the Library, at least anytime soon? With the recent changes (AIM/Taunton), it it still the thing to do to order this plan from Taunton if I don’t roll my own?
Looking at a couple of posts here, I see the comment “not every plan is in the library”, and another case were a missing plan was added to the library.
I was able to click on the PDF button for the article. There seems to be enough info in the article to make the piece, no? If you are looking for full size plans I am off base and apologize.
No apology needed, and thanks for the reply! There is a lot of detail in the article. Partially I was curious what else the sold plans have (if anything), and partially I was curious about what can be done in this situation, which I expect to happen in the future.
Barton - just seeing this. I'm not sure why it's not added to the digital plan library but we'll get on it. Send me an email and I can get it to you stat.