I need a trim router to finish the solid wood edging flush with its veneer panel. Can anyone recommend a make and model? Is there a book or DVD that teaches techniques?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
I need a trim router to finish the solid wood edging flush with its veneer panel. Can anyone recommend a make and model? Is there a book or DVD that teaches techniques?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
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I use a homemade jig. A cabinet scraper or a little sanding will remove the router bit marks. Different style or size bits can be used for thicker material.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
There was a review of laminate trimmers in FWW, No.171, August 2004. I couldn't find it on the site, but here is a link to some individual product information and reviews that may help:
I like hammer1's jig and router set up. I find running a trimmer along the top of a 3/4" edge can be tricky, at least for me. One little tip and you have a bobble in the edgeband. And, I've yet to find a flush trim bit that cuts perfectly flush, so I always have to go the scraper to finish up anyway. hammer1's jig is much more stable. I've seen set ups similar to his, and don't know why I've never tried it, but before you spend a hundred bucks or more on a trimmer, you may want to give it a shot.
I'm not sure that I understand the question. How thick is the material that you are trying trim?
My edging is typically 1/4" thick and 3/4" (plus) tall, to fit a veneer panel that is 3/4" thick. Hope this makes things clearer.
1/4 " is a bit of a tall order for a trim router, but my choice of routers is as follows: Bosch, Porter-Cable. In that order. I own both manufacturers and both will serve you well. The PC's are a bit crude when compared to the Bosch. I have a 3 1/4 hp PC, a 1 1/4 hp PC a Bosch 2hp "D" handle (my favorite), a 3 1/4 hp Bosch and a PC trim router. I like the PC trim router and that may suit you fine, but if you can get the Bosch, see how it fits in your hand to see which one you like. The choice of bit will be important, as you are going to be working that router pretty hard. Amana, Bosch, or Freud are good choices. Don't go cheap, as I'm sure you already know.John
An option.
I have anElu router tha has a trimming base that fits on the fence rods giving a simillar set up to home made jig I dont know if it is still available since Elu became Dewalt you might have a look at Trend in the UK.
Edited 5/23/2006 2:21 am ET by Bolts
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