I’m starting to rehab a wooden plow plane salvaged from a box of old tools from a neighbor’s basement. The only blade is 1-3/4″ wide and is held in place by a wooden wedge. It’s stamped, “WeissSon” best I can tell. The plane blade looks to be the common shape without the centering groove. I’d like to use the plane to cut grooves (not rebates) for bottom inserts in small boxes. (Seems like a peaceful and simpler alternative to routering.) I use 1/8 hardboard veneered on both sides, and the groove for the box bottom is 3/16″ or slightly larger depending on veneer thickness. Could I just swap-in a new blade of the desired width as available at Lee Valley or other vendors, or do I need to go the ebay route? Advice appreciated.
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Picture, please? I've never seen a plow plane with a 1-3/4" blade
Hello John:
Thanks for the reply. Likewise. I may have mischaracterized the tool and should have said that it’s a wooden plane that I’d like to use as a plow plane. I’m away from the shop for a couple of weeks and only have a picture of the blade. The plane body holds the blade and has the removable adjustable fence as does a plow plane. Found this (picture #3) online -pretty close.
I have a fillister plane and blade with a nicker. The blade look like the one in your picture. If the blade were for a plow plane, wouldn't it have a "v" grove running down the stem and blade on one side?
That’s what I would expect to find (the centering groove). A filister plane is new to me, and looking it up leads me to think that’s what, in fact, I have. My question is an inquiry as to the feasibility of mounting a narrow blade so the tool could be used for the single purpose of creating a small groove. Thanks for the reply.
I think the plane you show in the picture might be a moving fillister plane. They are best for making rabbets. I think you would need a rail for a centering groove or else the blade would probably tend to slide around.
I think you are correct. I’ve learned a new tool today. Thanks again.
Yup, moving fillester plane. German. Very useful tool.
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