PM66 or Unisaw for Xmas. Help me decide
Have just been informed by my girlfriend, the love of my life, that she went looking at new tablesaws today and thinks I should have one. Blew me away! Wanted to know if I wanted a Unisaw or a PM 66. Really blew me away! My dilemna is that I would be thrilled with either one, either way I win. Any opinions, help me out. Thanks.
Edited 12/15/2005 12:30 am ET by lv woodworker
Edited 12/15/2005 12:31 am ET by lv woodworker
left tilt powermatic.
And with a girlfriend like that, you should consider marrying her.
Edited 12/15/2005 8:39 am ET by jackplane
Take a look at the General 650 and 350 too.
Use the Search feature. There are approximately 10,000 posts on this subject - each month.
First, marry her, or anyone of us will.
Second, it doesn't really matter. Neither is made as well as they used to be, but both are excellent, and will keep their adjustments for a long itme, and are powerful. If money becomes an issue, get an import cabinet saw, but spend the big bucks on a good fence and guard system. The Biesmeyer guard with dust pickup is great),a nd I do prefer the Unifence to the Bies fence (and I've had both). Also, consider either a sliding table or an Accu-miter.
Or go with the new Saw-Stop.
I've had both. The 66 is much better. Unfortunately, now that they're coming from overseas, instead of Tennessee, you will have to tinker with it a bit. Even so, it's still a superior saw to the Uni.
Don't marry her, just live with her until you're tired of her.
Iv -
Make yerself a dartboard. Each 15degree segment is alternatively labeled PM and the others labeled UN. Stand back some requisent distance and toss seven darts. (unequal number to eliminate ties in the scoring). Doing this blindfolded will help in maintaining objectivity.
Otherwise tell your benefactor that General is the only way to go. (grin)
Doing this blindfolded will help in maintaining objectivity.
Your assuming a skill to hit the particular target exists!
Well, Doug, if we miss the target completely perhaps we should just send our SO to Sears (grin)
Get a used saw at an auction, I saw a unisaw with a power feeder that sold for about $500.00 recently. Then you can get some other tools with all the money you saved!
I can see why she is the love of your life. Is she expecting you to build her something?
Okay listen very closely and follow the instructions:
1. Marry the girl. You're already training her to support your tool-buying habit and you're well ahead of the power curve - in the top 5 percentile range of all woodworkers - on that issue.
2. In a stunning display of gallantry, ask her not to buy you a tablesaw but to invest the money in something that more positively affects the future of the relationship of both of you together and is less selfish for you personally.
3. Look for a used tablesaw, either Rockwell/ Delta or PM that is 35-55 years old, buy it for yourself immediately, and fix it up. Either brand will be better quality than a new one, but the girl won't know that. Explain to her that you would rather have an old, used tablesaw and dedicate the money you've saved over buying a new one to an investment in the future of your relationship together.
4. You wind up with a better tablesaw plus brownie points galore. Follow this regimen to a "T." I got the really good advice right here - it's almost like I got Dr. Phil programmed into ROM in my brain.
Good luck, Ed
Those are good thoughts ..but unfortunately way off the mark....gotta read between the lines. She wants to buy him a table much will that cost? What can he give her in return of comperable value...??? think real hard
Great, and by the way whats your girlfriends name?
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