Its been so long since I changed the blades I forget how to.
Those nuts .. do I turn them counterclockwise ? How far, just a turn ?
How do I take out the blades, with some pliers ?
Its been so long since I changed the blades I forget how to.
Those nuts .. do I turn them counterclockwise ? How far, just a turn ?
How do I take out the blades, with some pliers ?
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Those blades are held by a gib and screw. To loosen the gibs, turn the screwa clockwise. The screws will go further into the gib and away from the wall in the cutterhead. Seems counter intuitive.
Take the blades and gibs totally out. They lift out and clean out the cutterhead and the gibs prior to reinstalling the blades.
Clockwise Joe, but they may be a bit hard to get started if you haven't moved them for a while! Loosen them enough to slide or lift the knives out. If there are spings in there, holding the knives against the block, be careful you don't lose them when the knives come free!
Good luck
Edited 9/17/2005 7:40 pm ET by Malcolm
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