Lost my issues in a fire. Had some early isssues. There was a letter about inlaying mother of pearl squares into a pool table. If anyone has this issue please let me know how I can get a copy of this letter or article about inlaying for a pool table.
Possibly March of 89, Issue #75, page 39.
I don't have that issue, maybe some one can verify.
Good luck
Thank you I'm looking for that issue. I believe it might be in issue #8 1977
I will try to see if anyone has either issue to check. I'm sick I lost all the 1st issues in the fire. The magazine is really great. Thanks for your time.
I was thinking on replacing the existing diamonds in my pool table with guitar picks I've collected from concerts through the years. My plan was to basically make a jig and clamp it in place ,then route out said area inlay the pick and polyurethane over it or mayba a resin.
I need to do squares in side a small black frame. But I thank you for the help. If I find the article or letter I will let you know
Thank you
Hi Harry,
We did some searching of back issues and couldn't find any article about inlay in a pool table (the previously mentioned article on building a pool table doesn't cover that aspect). Unfortunately, we don't have a good method for searching letter archives so we can't help there.
I would say that any technique article about inlay will guide you through the process. The idea is to mortise out material to fit your inlay. You can use a dremel, a trim router, or a combination of carving and standard chisels. Maybe some folks here can offer other inlay tips.
Matt Berger
Fine Woodworking
Hi Mr. Berger
I believe it might be in issue # 8 in a letter or methods part.
Some one else emailed me and said maybe issue #75 March 89 page 39.
If you could check these for me. I'm doing an antique pool table called an
Kling. there are over a 200 or more small square mother of pearl to be cut into
a black boarder. This letter or article stated how to do this. I really need the help.
Thank you for your time. I believe the article or letter was dealing with another table on the same order.
The article in issue #75 (Building a Pool Table) only covers how to make a pool table. There's nothing about inlay.
And I found no mention of the technique in Issue #8. I scoured the whole book and didn't find anything.
Maybe someone else has an idea??? I can always search our library and send you the copy if someone out there can locate it.
Sorry, Matt
"The Marquetry Course" by Jack Metcalf & John Apps (ISBN-13 9780713488500 or ISBN-10 0 7134 8850 6) provides useful instruction on inlaying.
Good luck,
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Gil Bailie
Thanks for the email. I will look into this course. I just hope I can restore my table.
Thank you
Harry: I think I found the Q & A item you are looking for about making the inlays for your pool table. Issue # 31 on page 28-30. If you don't have that issue, send me an email ([email protected]) and I'll send you a photo copy.
This sounds like the one! Hope so.
Betsy Engel
Administrative Assistant
Fine Woodworking
I find it extraordinary and heartwarming that members of the Fine Woodworking staff are going above and beyond the call of duty to research this topic on behalf of the original poster.
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Gil Bailie
Hi Jazzdogg
I agree with you. That is why the magazine is so great. They have the best people working for them. I also want to thank everyone who took the time to read my email and help out. Thanks again
Some of the tips/techniques from these might be of some help
If you build it he will come.
Hi Douglas
Thank you so much for the help. I will give this a try. I did finally tacj down the letter I was looking for. Issue #31 pg 28-30. Thanks again for the help.
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