Porter-Cable Razor Carbide Saw Blades
Has anyone tried them yet?
At $40 they seem very reasonable, and the idea of variable tooth pitch to get fast cutting with a smooth cut certainly works with bandsaw blades like the Woodslicer. Is this to become the poor man’s WWII?
Dear AlanS,
Looks like a good idea.
Our own mouth's teeth have variable pitch design, and so do other animals.
Did notice that it has no symmetry whatsoever, and no pattern repeats. But the graduation from coarse to fine looks fine. Also, there are not that many large teeth, just a few which is about right.
Have here an ancient blade with only 6 small carbide teeth in a totally flat disk and it rips quite well. Where there are no teeth, it's just a plain flat edge of the plate that can cut nothing. It looks like it's meant to cut metal, but it is an old design, some meant for use in schools and are 'beginners' or trainer blades.
Would be interested in a user's report. Probably would make a good magazine article.
I think the lack of symmetry is a good thing. Symmetry is useful in that it makes it easier to be sure the blade is balanced both statically and dynamically, but symmetry encourages vibration. You can make the plate more rigid to combat vibration, but it takes a lot more structure to make a bridge that stands up to soldiers marching in step than if they are out of step; these saw teeth are out of step.
This blade looks like a great idea, but the question is how well it is implemented. I probably will try it, but I can't compare it to a premium blade since I don't have one.
Have the Bosch Master Combination 50T 10500M and is quite good for $50.00. The maker of it also makes the Sears combination blade. They are identical.
The 50T new-design one is about $40.00 and is a good price. By the looks, would say the new Razor with variable pitch toot design would do a better job even, for most cuts in a T.S., as a combination blade/
Thnks for posting about it.
Wonder if they would cost more to sharpen?
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