Who sells Powermatic in Canada? I live in Vancouver.
Who sells Powermatic in Canada? I live in Vancouver.
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have you visited the website and looked at the dealer search?
I find that if I go to the URL you provided I get redirected automatically to power.forest.net and I don't see the dealer search there. Sorry, I must be blind! Maybe someone would be kind enough to let me know who the dealer(s) in western Canada are . . .
You're on the right track. http://power.forest.net/wmhtool/index.html is the website of the tool division of Walter Meier Holding Company, parent company of Powermatic (and Jet, Performax, Wilton, etc.). You should see the Powermatic logo grouped along with a bunch of others. Clicking on that will get you to the Powermatic page. At the top of that page, there is a pull-down menu, in which "Dealers" is your desired option. That will take you to http://yew.forest.net/jetequip/search3.htm Of course you can just click on this if you want the short way. Unfortunately, Canadian distributors are not listed, but there is a provision for emailing the international marketing manager. Maybe somebody familiar with the area will chime in.
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