Problem with a Delta 12 1/2 inch Portable Planer TP 400LS (Thicknesser)

This is a great machine but due to ill health it has not been used for years. When you press the green start button it starts but ceases as soon as you take your finger off the button. It works as designed if you keep your finger on the start button.
Thinking it was the start/stop buttons that were the problem I replaced them but the problem persists
Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem?
When I look up info on the TP-400LS it shows a toggle switch not buttons. See attached picture:
Are you certain of the model number?
Hi Mike, Yes that is my machine but I have 2 buttons, a red one on the left and a green one on the right. This setup is still available on other brands of machines
The manual shows a simple on/off switch, do you have the manual that shows a different diagram, seems like there is a feedback that requires your switch to stay on.
This is the same diagram that is in my manual except I have a little more detail in places. I am sure you must be correct that there is a feedback that requires the switch to stay on. I know the same switch is on other equipment I have and no problems.
That is a simple mechanical switch according to the diagram, which is typical for inexpensive and low power machines. You said you replaced the buttons. Did you not replace the switch itself? The latching mechanism is in the switch not the cover with the buttons. There is no holding circuit in this type switch.
Apparently Delta made versions for export that comply with stricter safety regulations than here in the U.S.
This switch (on Amazon) looks very similar. The listing includes measured drawings so you can compare .
When you replaced your "stop start buttons" did you replace them with something like this?
Did your wiring diagram look like this? Note the "important connection" wire on the diagram.
The only wiring diagram I have is the one I attached above. I am assuming that the switch is in behind the buttons. There were only 4 wires connected to the original part.(2 blue and 2 brown -see below)
Sorry I am not much good on electronics
Thanks for trying to assist
What is keeping the switch on is a solenoid. It is energized by connections 14 and 24 so you will need to trace the wires and make sure they are in the correct position.
Seems like the two brown wires are together at terminal 13 , is there one at terminal 14 cannot see from this angle.
Hi Enhpad, just wondering if you got your issue solved and if so what was the fault and how did you fix it? My machine with identical button type as yours did the same thing today. It was working fine and the. I turned it off and back on again and would not stay on, but would work fine if you hold the on button in. Cheers
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