Dear John, I am the proud owner of a Felder combination machine and I’m extremely happy with this machine. However I’m having some trouble to protect the cast iron surfaces and other metal parts from corroding. I don’t use the machine on a daily basis and the close proximity to the ocean all contribute to this problem. <!—-><!—-><!—->
Is there a commercial product you recommend? or an alternative e.g. candle wax?<!—-><!—->
Thank you <!—-><!—->
Many woodworkers have found that applying ordinary furniture wax, such as commonly available Johnson's paste wax, on their cast iron tables gives reasonably good rust protection. Stay away from automotive waxes they often contain silicones which will can get onto the wood you are sawing and lead to finishing problems later.
For industrial weight protection I recommend trying Boeshield T-9, a spray on paraffin wax developed by Boeing Aircraft. For long term protection you can spray it on and not buff it off, but you may have to wipe it off with some paint thinner the next time you use the machine. For day to day protection, spray on a light coat and buff it off immediately.
Any chance your shop is on Long Island?
John White
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