I am looking for an article in a past issue of FWW.
The article that am looking for is a product comparision of various
waxes and rust inhibitors that are specifically designed to protect cast
iron tool surfaces. In the article, the author applied about 4 different
products to a sample surface and then exposed the surface to moisture to see
which products performed best at protecting the cast iron surface from
rusting. As I recall, the author tested both rust removers and rust
inhibitors. My recollection of when the article appeared is probably not
accurate. It could have appeared any time in the last few years.
In the past 6-7 months, Wood Magazine did a test like you describe. You might want to go to the library and look through some past issues.
The results were that the only product that provided protection was Boeshield T-9. Paste waxes were ineffective as were most other protective products.
Thanks a bunch. That was exactly what I was looking for. I'm kind of a wood mag junkie. I forgot where I saw it.
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