Hello Everyone!
Having trouble locating a supplier for Quartered Beech Lumber.
Any help or info would be grateful
Hello Everyone!
Having trouble locating a supplier for Quartered Beech Lumber.
Any help or info would be grateful
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Your location?
I live in Colorado.
I plan to make a set of hollows and rounds.
Where at? Austin Hardwood is my favorite, but you could try Centennial or Paxton. All are in the Denver area.
For turning, you could try Rockler or Woodcraft.
Thanks for the help!
I'll give them all a call.
See if you can find some 16/4 flat cut and slice off what you need, your slices will be QS. I'm doing this for my set of h&r only I'm using cherry.
Hey, Thanks.
I didn't think of that approach.
I thought about cherry myself, still not sure though.
I guess the proto-types will help make up my mind.
your profile info would be helpful??
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