Recommendation for 21/23 Gauge Pinner
I see that there are 21 gauge that uses nails with a head and 23 gauge that is headless. Is there a brand you prefer and is 21 gauge or 23 gauge a better choice. Thanks.
I see that there are 21 gauge that uses nails with a head and 23 gauge that is headless. Is there a brand you prefer and is 21 gauge or 23 gauge a better choice. Thanks.
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I have a Milwaukee M12 cordless 23 gauge headless pinner. I like it a lot, but I don't use it often. Mostly it gets used to hold things together until the glue sets.
I have 15 and 18 gauge nailer. I figured I didn't need a smaller nail with a head, so I went with the headless.
It is difficult to commend a brand as I have several air powered pinners and all work.
There is a world of difference in the fit and finish, comfort of use and overall quality of my professional quality 23ga pinner compared with my cheapo 21ga bradder, but both work reliably. It depends on quantity of use and budget - If not using much then a cheap one is fine but may fall apart if used continuously. I don't do much nailing - probably get through a box of pins a year, so expect my tools should see me out.
Totally agree with the above. I have a PC brad nailer that I probably use every two years or so, good unit, got it cheap, no problems. I have the HF 23 ga unit, $20, use it 1-2 times/year, feels cheap but works, good cost/benefit for me. Your choice.
I have a Grex 23 gauge headless pin nailer that doesn't get used all that much but works extremely well when it does get used for attaching trimwork, etc. The holes left behind are much smaller than a standard nail gun, and in an open-grained wood like oak you sometimes don't even need to fill them sa they aren't noticeable.
I own a Grex 23 ga pin nailer and it never fails. My first 23 ga was a Harbor Freight; very inexpensive (You could probably buy 10 or more from Harbor Freight for 1 Grex.) and it worked well for a number of years since I don't really use a pinner very much. When it started jamming I found the Grex at a WW show for a better than normal price and bought it.
Whether you want to invest in a good quality, lifetime 23 ga depends on your usage. If you don't use it a lot, a Harbor Freight may work for you. However, if it's a tool that you use frequently I'd recommend a Grex. They sell a couple of models of 23 Ga.