New to the forums but hoping this will give me some good information. I have a Reliant 14″ Bandsaw probably over 10 years old now. I think Reliant no longer exists but I would like to get a riser block for re-sawing up to 12″. Anyone know where to get one? Do other saw riser blocks fit? Suggestions welcome.
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Reliant tools were a brand of Woodworker's Warehouse which has been out of business for maybe 15 years. Their power tools were generic Taiwanese products manufactured during the 1980's through mid-1990's.
Most Delta clone parts will fit the saws. Probably current Grizzly, Harbor Freight and other Taiwan/Chinese 14" band saws have identical parts.
That said, you also need an extended upper guide holder slide and blade covers for the slide and a blade cover for the left track of the blade.
Finally, the motor horse power is probably marginal at best for resawing.
Reliant bandsaw riser
Thanks Howie, I have kind of come to that conclusion independently. when I outfit a new shop one of my major purchases/acquisitions will be a 'real' bandsaw that can re-saw with power and decent width. Appreciate the help.
BTW - after kerfing one of the boards with my table saw I used a hand saw to re-saw a 40 " board with about 6.5" of solid stock to remove - it took me an entire afternoon, and I sharpened by hand saw before i started. Newfound respect for our forefathers - for that matter - our grandfathers!
Actually, the Reliant brand of tool was sold by Trend lines. The last Trend line catalogue I got was Christmas season 1999 - about twelve years ago.
Well technically, Both Reliant brand and Woodworker's Warehouse were owned by Trend Lines. Woodworker's Warehouse was the retail chain store operation and the mail order was under the Trend Line name.
Not that it really make any differerence at this point.
Have same saw
Did you find a brand of riser that fit? I have a Reliant DD90 and am looking to order a riser, but don't know what brand I should try.
Thanks, Tom
In the 80s and 90s there were several Taiwanese bandsaws around including Reliant. I owned a small acoustic guitar business for many years, and I used two of these saws to resaw countless hardwood for guitars. The riser block for the 14" is the same as the Jet and the Delta of that era. It increases the resaw capacity to roughly 9.5". You will not be able to saw a full 12" even with the riser.
The downside if the block is that the saw is a little more flexible in the arm with the block installed, but having said that, I use the saw to this very day, and it has never failed. I did replace the stock half horse motor with a one horse, but that is the only thing I have ever done to the saw except to change the tires two or three times. If you don't have a manual, please let me know and I will be glad to copy mine.
"The downside if the block is that the saw is a little more flexible in the arm with the block installed, but having said that, I use the saw to this very day, and it has never failed. I did replace the stock half horse motor with a one horse, but that is the only thing I have ever done to the saw except to change the tires two or three times. If you don't have a manual, please let me know and I will be glad to copy mine."
were you ever able to find a Riser for your Reliant DD90?
I have an instruction manual for the DD90 and can scan a copy for anyone.
Can you please also email me your scanned copy of the Reliant 14" bandsaw model DD90? To: Thank you!!!!!!!!
On it's way! It's several MB so it will come as a google drive share link to a .pdf
There will be camscanner watermarks in the pdf because I don't have the pro vers (sorry).
Thank you so very much, from across the pond.
Hi, I just bought a used DD90 and of course it doesn't have a manual. I would appreciate it if you could email me a scanned copy. My email is:
I just inherited a Reliant DD99 bandsaw but I don't have a manual. Could you send me a copy? ( Thank you.
VT_MCG , I could use a copy if still available
Hello! I can send via email if you'd like but will need your addr.
VT_MCG, If the offer is still available I'd like to have a copy as well.
Hello! I can send via email if you'd like but will need your addr.
On it's way!
VT_MCG would you please send me the manual as well, thank you!
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