Have a barely used reliant DD18. The upper wheel shaft base (pot metal?) is broken. (Wheel wobbles) cant find parts list or source for parts.
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Reliant were or are Taiwanese made like maybe in the 80s and were also marketed under other brand names. Kind of a knock off of a Delta / Rockwell. ( Which,by the way, maybe you should check out...if it's really a knock off maybe some of the parts are interchangeable)I would bet there is no support for them.. They are fairly common for sale on Craigslist -I see them there from time to time. There seems to be quite a few people on ebay that buy up old machines and part them out.. Maybe you find another for parts or maybe you find one that is in working condition and the one you have becomes parts. There are old machine guys websites ,mostly dealing with old iron that trade parts and such but maybe they can point to something. I'd look there.
Does your Reliant saw look like this old Grizzly saw?
If so, the parts might be interchangeable.
If you take the broken part to a local light fabricator they can probably make you a part. If it is part of the shaft it will probably cost less than a new OEM part, even if one could be found.
There are very few particularly specialised parts in these tools - castings and stampings aside almost every working part is simple to make.
I found a Reliant 14" bandsaw on the local CL nearby to me that the guy is asking $225 for. Is this bandsaw worth buying for that price? I could probably get it for less but if I can't is $225 too much for this saw? I currently have a Shopsmith 11" saw that is alright for small things but it is very limited in what I can use it for and would really like to get a bigger saw. I don't know anything about the Reliant brand and the saw looks somewhat older from the pics he sent to me.
Mike. The grizzly is exactly like the reliant. Ordered parts. Now up and running. Thanks for the tip.
Great! I'm glad it worked out.
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