I recently came into possession of a Reliant DD34 3HP shaper but it didn’t come with any spindles. Finding parts for this shaper has been a bit of a headache as I dont know much about it and the company is no longer in business. I am looking for a 1″ spindle for it. Would any spindles from Jet, Delta, or Grizzly be compatible with it? Any help would be much appreciated.
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Find the exploded views of "matching" machines online and look for an identical or close match for the spindle assembly. Many machines come out of the same factories with brand-specific tweaks.
Just checking to see if you had any luck?
I'm in the same boat, I just acquired a reliant shaper, and the only thing it's missing are the spindles!
Can't help, but this sort of thing is not complex to turn on a lathe - any light engineering shop should be able to make spindles for you. As all the parts are round, it's probably less than an hour or perhaps two of work for an experienced machinist.
Thank you!
Hey there. Yes, I was able to find a 3/4” spindle through a dealer in Georgia. Found his contact on eBay. I’ll do some snooping and see if I can find his number again. It was around $60 if memory serves me correctly. Been a while. He also had 1/2” but no 1” or 1 1/4”
The eBay username is toolsupermarket. Accura dealer. They are almost identical to Reliant. I was able to get a drawbar from them as well. I wrote him a message back then and he sent me his number.
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