My home is 3 years old. It contains over 1000 feet of pine trim. One piece, however, is oozing sap. I don’t want to replace the piece because it was finished by a professional finisher with several colors of dye, dyed lacquer, and clear lacquer, and I can’t duplicate the finish. He can’t remember the colors he used so he can’t duplicate it either. So how can I remove the oozing sap from the surface without harming the lacquer finish?
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Try soaking the sap with a rag and mineral spirits. That should dissolve or softent the pitch, and not affect laq.
Take a pry bar and gently rip it off the wall and throw it out the back door then replace it .
Keep a sample take it to a finisher so he can match it - pre finish the trim he can do that at his shop saves you money.A good painter can match it no matter what.
Who ever trimmed the house should have never use the pitch pocketed section of trim. I dont think it will ever stop oozing.
Should have cut it up for fire wood.
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