I just tried replying to a post on a thread I started and got a message that my reply triggered a spam filter and would not be posted. This was the thread in the finishing section on varnish over epoxy.
What am I doing wrong?
I just tried replying to a post on a thread I started and got a message that my reply triggered a spam filter and would not be posted. This was the thread in the finishing section on varnish over epoxy.
What am I doing wrong?
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Same thing happened to me last night when replying to someone else's posting. My responce had nothing in it remotely mentioning or referring to any product or service. I re-wrote it and it went through.
the spam filter (aka CAPTCHA)
The spam filter gets overly-aggressive at times. You can try re-submitting the post, and if it rejects you entirely, log off and log in again.
You can also contact Gina to get put on the bypass-the-filter list.
Me too
This just happened to a harmless post of mine. There is nothing, in any way, that be construed as spam in my message. I can't even imagine what to rewrite. What is up with this thing?
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