I would like to find a review of portable power planers to look at before I buy one of these tools. Does anyone know where I can find such a review?
Thanks for your help, KirbyT
I would like to find a review of portable power planers to look at before I buy one of these tools. Does anyone know where I can find such a review?
Thanks for your help, KirbyT
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I don't see much out there on this item. You might try eopinions.com. Good luck.
Dewalt DW735, beats them all.
There was an article early last year on several power planers.
There are a couple of reviews online, here's a link to one form Popular Woodworking:
There's also a review for sale here in the archives of FWW.
Are you looking for a bench top planer, like a 13" dewalt, or delta or are you looking for a hand held planer like the one most use for shaving down doors? If your looking for the hand held, I think PC is well thought of but expensive (about $400). I don't have any personal knowledge, just something I remember from other forums, etc. If your look for a hand held, you might want to ask in the finish carpetry section over at JLC http://forums.jlconline.com/forums/. Those hand helds are used a lot in Ca and there are quite a few posters in that forum from Ca that use them often.
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