I’m looking for some help deciding between the Rikon 25-210H and the Canadian Woodworking Industries CWI-JP1203HC. Both machines are very similar for the most part.
I went and viewed both models this weekend. The Rikon seems more “polished” in terms of finished, but ironically has a slightly textured jointer bed casting.
The CWI exterior looks a bit “rougher” in terms of welds, etc. But had a less textured jointer bed (still not polished like my sawstop). It also has a digital readout and dial indicator on the crank wheel for what they’re worth.
Wondering if anyone else has had this debate lately, or had positive or negative experiences with either machine.
I have a rikon. I like mine, but it's also the only one I've used.
Thanks BillieRuben. No issues/annoyance with the textured surface? I presume it’s supposed to help with friction?
I haven't had any issues! Like it grabbing or anything, if that's what you mean? I'm a woman and not very strong and dealing with suuuuper hard hardwood and I can still push stuff through pretty fine.
I have a CWI 12" J/P with the scorpion helical cutter head. Mine has the analog roll-over numbers which are useless. The cut quality is nice, and going from J to P and back is not difficult. Not being able to leave the planer dialed in is something I miss.
Something I did not know when I bought it is that the feed direction is reversed for J vs P. If I had thought about it for a few seconds It's obvious, but the dust collection reverses with the swap which means I have to spin the machine in my small shop to aim it at the collector port. That part gets old fast when I'm resawing.
Hi _mj_. Good to know the analog numbers aren’t worth much. I kinda wondered about their usefulness.
I can understand the frustration with swinging that beast around every time. I’m trying to d figure out how to reorganize my “half of a 2 car” to make things flow. Definitely would prefer to not move it much.
I don't have the Rikon machine but I do have the Jet 12 inch jointer / planer with a helical head. While looking unsuccessfully for replacement parts for my Jet, I discovered that the 2 machines are identical once one looks past the nameplate and the "cosmetic" details. and I subsequently used Rikon parts with the Jet machine. Based on that experience, I wished that I had purchased the Rikon machine in the first place. Customer service at Rikon was extraordinarily good. A human answers the phone. The tech support person actually called back when he said he would and when some parts were not immediately available, upon request, they sent me what was on hand and the rest was shipped to me later at no extra charge.
As to the concern about dust collection, I have a flexible hose with a quick connect from Rockler that is easily moved from the jointer position to planer without having to turn the whole machine around. In either case you are going to need sufficient space on both the infeed and outfeed directions for your jointing or planing operations.
As a previous responder already mentioned, the scale on the planer side is a very rough approximation. For me a major drawback is not being able to save the planer setting for subsequent parts after switching back to jointing. But unless one spends thousands more for a Felder machine with a digital scale, this is a compromise one has to accept with a combo machine
Thanks! I’ve heard that before about Jet/Rikon are the same machine. Nice to hear Rikon has good customer service. I’ll give the infeed/outfeed some thought in terms of shop placement.
I bought a sawstop industrial hydraulic mobile base and had it cut up and welded to fit the J/P. It moves easily and even spins in place.
That’s a great idea! I wish all my tools had that same hydraulic base. Might have to copy your idea for something like the J/P.
I don't have either machine but I do have a Jet 12 inch jointer / planer combo with helical head cutters. I discovered, while searching for replacement parts for my machine, that the Rikon and the Jet are the same except for some cosmetic differences. I was able to more easily find and use Rikon parts than I could from Jet. And, most importantly, that Rikon customer service is fantastic - amazingly an actual human answers the phone and a knowledgeable tech support people are responsive and helpful and actually call back when they say will. Now I wish I had actually purchased my machine from Rikon rather than from Jet.
Additionally, the dust collection issues mentioned by previous responder are easily addressed : I use a length of flexible ducting from Rockler with a quick connect coupling to switch from jointer to planer dust collection with no fuss. So no need to flip the machine around 180 degrees each time.
One does need to have sufficient clearance on both the infeed and outfeed side of the machine for the length of the stock being handled. I have my machine on a heavy duty mobile base.
Was watching Vic Tesolin's recent (within last month) shop tour. He has a 12" CWI (talks about it around the 30 min mark). If I recall correctly, he considered it an upgrade from his prior jointer/planer which I think was the Rikon. If Vic's happy with the CWI, I would be as well. He does disclose on getting a discount from CWI.
Hi joeleonetti. Thanks for sending that one along. Looks like Vik has the King version of the CWI. His previous one sounds like it was the older style (10”) less heavy duty Rikon. Not the 12” I was looking at. Sounds like he’s happy with the upgrade though - so I’ll consider that a vote for CWI.
Honestly the more I look it seems these 12” J/P’s are all virtually the same function wise. Probably no “wrong” choice.
I agree likely no wrong choice.
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