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The Rigid has what is classed as a splitter, not a riving knife. A riving knife will rise and fall as the blade height is adjusted and is installed directly behind the blade, through the throat plate.
I have used the original Micro Jig (all plastic). I would not consider it a substitute for a riving knife. The big drawback is that they cannot be used in bevelled cuts. That said, when the blade is at 90 degrees, as mine usually is, they do prevent the stock from pinching the back of the blade. I still have my Micro Jig, but don't use it. But then again, I don't use any type of splitter or guard (don't have one). I wouldn't recommend anyone follow suit. But I do have a new saw coming with a riving knife and blade guard.
Bottom line, if you can't stand the original splitter, the Mirco Jig is one option good for non-bevelled cuts. You might also consider another aftermarket known as the Bolt On Riving Knife (BORK). It may or may not be available for your saw. http://theborkstore.com
Anyone have any contact info on theborkstore, owner Bob Ross even the state would help. looks like his business closed around 2018
Grovercc you need to search using one of the internet archives. That will at least pull up the old contact info.
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