Looking for a riving knife for a left tilt delta x5 unisaw.
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Hello, Any luck in your search? I am looking for the same thing. I have heart of one called BORK and another called Shark Guard. Also was looking at the regular splitter from Delta (DELTA 34-868 Bracket and Splitter Assembly) which can be purchased on Amazon.
I have an Shark Guard installed on my unisaw. Do I wish I had a modern sawstop with a riving knife? Yes. Will I rip on my Unisaw without the Shark Guard? No.
For me, it has made my Unisaw way, WAAAAY safer. It's a hassle to use sometimes, but that is the deal I made with myself.
I have the shark guard and think it’s great makes my unisaw much safer. Cheers
I too am interested in this question. I’ve an older Unisaw but haven’t looked at the Shark Guard. Uve an after market splitter installed (can’t recall the name) but I can’t tilt much beyond 20 * with it. I’ve heard there can be install issues with even the Delta splitter but that nay be a model issue. Anxious to read other replies. Will look at the Shark Guard.
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