Rockler Steam Bending unit – has anyone tried it? Does it work

Curious about the new Rockler Steam Bending unit – has anyone tried it? Does it work? Does it continue to provide steam for the 2 hours that it it claimed ti work?
Curious about the new Rockler Steam Bending unit – has anyone tried it? Does it work? Does it continue to provide steam for the 2 hours that it it claimed ti work?
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Rockler Steam Bending unit
This steam bending unitl looks a heck of a lot like the Wagner Wallpaper Stripping steamer, and I think I once bought one for less than $50. I then realized it was just a plastic reservoir with a water heating element in it.
So here's what I did:
Returned the unit to Lowes.
Went to Home Depot and purchased an electric water heating element (the screw-in style) for about $14 and a bolt-in flange adapter for a few more dollars. [Note: from my recollection, there are screw-in elements and *I think* older bolt-in, square-flanged elements and most stock has turned over to the screw-in style but you can buy the square adapter if necessary].
Bored a hole in a durable, thick, plastic 5-gallon jug, installed the heater and wires.
Bought a couple yards of automotive heater hose (perhaps 1").
So I had a steam producing unit for perhaps $20 with the cord. Don't waste your money.
Were I to try to improve what I had, I would insulate the jug witha water-heater-style wrap, and insulate the hose.
And when you build your steam box to suit your project, you can add foam insulation to that (some glue won't hold up to steam, though, so use screws or wire or something to attach the insulation to the box).
I just searched for the Wagner; look for the Wagner 0282018 Power Steamer 705 wallpaper Remover, wallpaper Steamer, $44. Looks pretty darn similar, eh?
Wall paper steamer vs. Rockler
Thanks so much for the tip. Looks like you saved me some cash. I appreciate it.
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