Routers that work with Delta 4210 dovetail jig

Does anyone have a list of the routers that will work with the Delta 4210 dovetail jig. I would like to purchase a new router and want to make sure that it fits propertly. I was given the dovetail jig as a gift and would now like to make some drawers. Thanks Pat
long list
Any router that uses, or can be adapted to use, the PC-standard guide bushings specified for the PC 4200 series DT jigs, or that has guide bushings of the same size, will work. I think that includes just about every router made.
Note that the spacing of the "fingers" on the jig are tied to the size of the bushing protrusion and the geometry (size and angle) of the DT and straight bits specified for the jig. Those can be purchased from PC or a third-party manufacturer as long as the specs are the same.
Guide bushing option
Another option to the use of guide bushings is to use 1/4" shanked router bits with a shank mounted bearing and stop collor. It also improves your vision some. Just remember to use the recommended degree router bit and proper OD bearing on the shank to fit you combs properly. NOTE: Be sure that the dovetail bit has a built in stop on the shank just above the the Carbide, this prevents the bearing from dropping onto the cutting section of the bit.
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