After reading the thread on the sawstop sliding table attachment, I was wondering if anybody has experience with the crosscut sled? It’s definitely smaller and is compatible with the mobile base on my sawstop ( the sliding table is not) but will it replace the need for the many cross cut sleds I have now?
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I don't see a crosscut sled from Sawstop, just a couple versions of the sliding table.
This sit is where I found it.
Yeah, that's the sliding crosscut table that was discussed in depth in a recent thread. I think they also have a larger version for the biggest saws, as long as you do not also have the mobile base.
I finally found the thread you are referring to and it answered all my questions. I don't think i want to waist the money.
palmbay-jim, this is the slider i have, and the one i was referring to in the thread called 'sawstop slider'. in my opinion you are smart to save your money.
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