Hi All, I loaded up my whole dado stack yesterday (SS 3HP PCS) and found that I could not use the blade clamping washer because I was out of threads. I put on a heavy washer of appropriate size and it worked fine. It got me thinking about the specs though, so I hit SS’s FAQ pages where I found conflict…
First: “SawStop recommends only using 8” stacked dado sets, with a maximum thickness of 29/32”. “
Then: “If you need to use a blade with a kerf thicker than 3/16”, use an 8” dado set with the optional SawStop 8” dado cartridge. The dado cartridge is designed for use with 8” dado sets up to 13/16” wide.”
29/32 is 0.906 13/16 is 0.8125 (My stack as mounted is 0.862)
If the saw’s capacity is a stack of .906 and the cartridge is designed for about 1/10 less than that, is one of the outer blades not going to be stopped by the brake? Could the momentum of the outermost blade spin off the arbor nut? It seems odd to me that the saw’s arbor is not really long anough to take the stated capacity stack and still use the arbor washer.
Have any of you ever noticed or looked into this?
I remember reading in the manual (nerd) that you’re not supposed to use the arbor washer with a wide dado stack. Just use the nut. See p. 29
Hi Weymouth, I read that thing cover to cover... but it was a few years back of course.
FYI: I used your link and got a windows security warning not to proceed.
I took a couple of screenshots of my manual. In a nutshell:
Do not use a dado stack over 13/16"
For a dado over 3/8, do not use the arbor washer, just butt the nut against the blade.
I got that same security warning that mj gotand got frozen out of my laptop. Mouse wouldn't work and I shut it down and restarted three times before I was able to shake it.
Can you not get the manuals direct from Sawstop online?
I would recommend that you do not use a dado set that is thicker than 29/32" on your Sawstop 3HP PCS table saw. If you need to use a blade with a kerf thicker than 3/16", you can use an 8" dado set with the optional Sawstop 8" dado cartridge. The dado cartridge is designed for use with 8" dado sets up to 13/16" wide.
Indeed you can (get manuals direct from sawstop)
The first link I gave (above) is just what emerged from a DuckDuckGo search. I have Surfshark vpn and didn’t get any flags with site.
Hi Weymouth, Please take out the old link in your earlier post to save anyone else the issue?
Good idea. Thx MJ.