I’m looking for anyone who might have a Sawstop Professional model with the 36 inch t glide fence.
I would appreciate it very much to get a measurement of the overall width and length of that configuration. I’ve been thinking about upgrading, and really don’t know if I have room.
I don’t really trust the dimensions listed by Sawstop. Inches will count, and I’m not sure what their specs include and leave out.
I would appreciate the help. Thanks.
The top surface of the saw is 27X44 with the 2 cast iron wings. I can't help with the fence as I have a Vega on mine.
I'm really writing to let you know that the hydraulic mobile base with the conversion kit from Industrial to Professional sticks out 7.5" from the back of the saw at floor level.
If your shop is tight (mine is) definitely go for the industrial base, you can spin the saw on a dime. The tricycle setup that's made for the PCS is inferior in every way.
Thanks, That's good to know. 90 percent of the time I have a sheet of masonite covering my present saw and outfeed table. It's really an assembly and work table that cuts wood now and then. I've been considering pushing it elsewhere while it's in work table mode.
Does the industrial mobile base add much height to the saw?
Maybe 1/4".
I have the 36" PCS. Total shop real estate needed is 69" wide x 35" deep. the actual table is less than that, but there is an L bracket rail that sticks out the back to 33" and the T-Glide fence is 35" not counting the handle. It hangs over the back of the saw. You will love the saw. I would buy it again even if it didn't have the safety features. The cuts are smooth and accurate. I have used both a WWII and Fusion blades. The blade that comes with the saw is good (forfeited mine to the brake) but not phenomenal. If you invest in a set of 1-2-3 blocks, you can keep your saw calibrated well enough (after each blade change) to stop measuring. I find I am more accurate using the scale on the saw, than measuring and trying to hit the line. 1-2-3 blocks are $15 - $20 a pair. Worth the investment.
Thanks. It's things like brackets sticking out that I was afraid the manufacturer wasn't measuring.
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