One of the younger fellows in the shop let his attention wander long enough to put his thumb against the TS blade Friday. Luckily, it was a Saw Stop. The wound was approximately 1/8″ square and barely through the skin. I’ve seen splinters do more damage. The biggest loss was time as word gradually spread through the shop & other workers wanted to see the wound & tell their own stories of past TS injuries seen or heard about.
I'm glad the gentleman is OK and it was a good thing you were using the sawstop. I cut the tip of my finger about 3-years ago and the cost for the emergency room alone would have almost paid for a sawstop.
Since I'm thinking about upgrading to the sawstop my question to you is was there any damage to the saw when it tripped other than the blade and cartridge. I know the cartridge helps take the blow of the abrubt stop but I would still think there would be allot of pressure put on the trunnion assembly. I have seen other forums talk about this but would like your opinion as well.
Also, what is your thoughts of the fit and finish of the saw and fence assembly.
Here we go again !C.
At the Hartford Industral show they triggered the saw stop three or four times a day over two days. They used the same saw.
fit and finish is excellent. tripping the saw destroys a cartridge (60-80 bucks if i remember). My freud thin kerf needs a new tooth.
I adapted a Vega Fence
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