I need ideas on designing/building a scarf joint jig where i can cut the joint with a Japanese saw and then dress it with a plane. The jig must be able to accommodate turned spindles of different design and/or size. thanx
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I guess I'm not understanding what you're trying to do with the spindles. Seems to me that a good bench vice with bass wood plates would do just fine, but then I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
Can you explain a little more?
Ed. Williams - GACC Dallas
What i am trying to do is have a fast way with accurate repeatabillity to cut the joints. I repair old furniture and often have many scarf joints to make. I had in mind something like a shooting board where i could clamp the spindle ( which may be irregulary shaped ) and cut the scarf and then without removing the spindle plane the cut. I would then remove the spindle and replace it with the repair piece the cut and plane. The angle of both pieces must be the same.
I hope this explanation is OK. thank yuo very much for your reply. rick
The problem as I see it is the need to make mirror image cuts for odd sized work pieces. I'm afraid there may not be a simple answer from me.
One of the best ways to get an accurate match is to cut both the old and new piece at the same time. Lay one over the other and make the pass with the saw and shoot board.
I share my shop with a friend who restores antiques. He just fits his new pieces the hard way, one at a time.
Sorry I can't come up with any good ideas, but I'm sure you will.
Good Luck,
Thanks for the input. I currently put both pieces in a vice and cut both at the same time. Just looking for something faster. Rick
This is a shot in the dark.. ..what about a lion miter trimmer? It is used to shave miters, works like a plane. If you think it might work go to JLConline, then to the finish carpentry, then post it. Mike (2t &2g) will be able to answer your questions
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