Scholarships for Women, Non-Binary and afab folks getting into fine woodworking

I was wondering if anyone knows of any scholarships for women, non-Binary and afab folks getting into fine woodworking? Fine woodworking is something I have been working towards for a few years now and I would love to attend the Center for Furniture Craftmanship to get to the next level in pursueing my goal of being a professional woodworker. The program is more expensive than I can afford and I was wondering if anyone knew of any resources I might look into? I’ve been doing internet searches and having a hard time coming up with much.
Thank you so much,
Hi Meara,
I think Aspen Golann and Nancy Hiller have both been involved in efforts to support women in woodworking, they may be aware of some opportunities. You can reach them via instagram or their websites and
Another thought - you may be able to use a general scholarship (not specific to woodworking) to help fund your journey.
Good luck!
Thank you so much, Pete! I appreciate it so much
If you aren't aware of them, check out A Workshop of Our Own. If you write to them, I am sure they can advise you further.
I don't know about schools, but if you're near central PA, I'll give you a job in my cabinet shop and teach you everything I know.
Woodworking has absolutely nothing to do with gender or gender identity. I 100% support teaching the trade to anyone who is eager to learn
Good on ya godelescher. A fine gesture, and probly a sound business move.
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