For all of my my segmented bowls that will be used for food I use Titebond 3. I now want to create a design that I will cut out at the scroll saw, but when putting the pieces back together there are gaps. I was thinking of using a two part epoxy to glue the segments of the design back together. My questions are –
1) Any issues with the dried epoxy glue not being food safe?
2) Is a two part epoxy waterproof since most of the other sections will be glued with Titebond 3?
Thanks for your help.
Why are there gaps?
From the kerf of the blade and likely that I am not an expert at the scroll saw. It's a butterfly design so there are a few curves and the interior pieces are where the gaps are.
You might try the intarsia "trick" of cutting out your decorative elements with your positive and negative parts stacked and the saw table tilted. When done the parts will fit together snugly. Expirement with how much to tilt the table to get the surfaces as close to flush as you can.
This works well on flat parts, so if by segmented bowls you mean coopered from flat parts it could be easy. If you mean a brick-laid bowl turned on the lathe...maybe not so much.
My broader point is that you are building this, eliminate the gaps before you glue things up. Trying to fill or compensate for poorly mated joints is a bad habit to get into.
Figure out why things don't mate up and try another method.