Does anyone know how many ball bearings are used on the spindle of the Shaper Origin CNC router? I ask because of Festool’s involvement with its design. They are known to have sold (and maybe still do), a track-saw for about $1K, that only has one ball bearing at the arbor end of the shaft. The other end runs in a bronze sleeve. I’m wondering if that’s the case here, as they wouldn’t answer the question when I asked this week. That’s a red flag for me. Just how long would it take, for a sleeve to wear enough, that the several thousandths accuracy achievable out of the box, becomes several hundredths?
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I am not sure how much influence Festool would have had. Shaper Origin is owned by the same company that owns Festool and SawStop and Tanos. But Shaper is not owned by Festool. So they may not have had a lot of product design influence.
Nothing official that I’ve seen, but the Shaper community discussion (forum) implies that the Shaper spindle shares some similarities to the Festool 1010 router. They do share collet sizes. I use my 1010 8mm collet on the Shaper. Maybe do a search on the Shaper forum.
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