Need some help on sharpening lathe scrapers. Would I go about it the same way as doing a cabinet scraper?
Thanks, Searle.
Need some help on sharpening lathe scrapers. Would I go about it the same way as doing a cabinet scraper?
Thanks, Searle.
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The easiest way is to use a bench grinder. Set the rest so that the bevel matches the angle on your scraper, and then grind lightly until you have an even scratch pattern on the end of your scraper. you can take it right to the wood after the grinding.
If you want to you can hone the edge with a diamond plate, but I have found that the results are not worth the effort.
I have the wolverine jig set up on a cheap 6" grinder, and I find that it works great.
yes, what Peter said. I would add that you want a fast cutting and soft grinding wheel. Keep it well dressed......clean and flat. Use a light touch so that you don't overheat the tool.
Yes, what both of you have said, only I put black magic marker on my lathe tools to judge where I am grinding.
I use a wet grinder, grind the bevel at a smaller angle than standard ( 60 degrees ) and when finishing an item, I polish the back and the bevel, giving me a wood surface on the lathe, which needs almost no sanding.
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