Shelf Pin/Stud Hole Drilling Jig
I’m interested in picking up a shelf pin/stud hole drilling jig. Does anyone have any experience with them and any recommendations? A definate plus for me would be a unit that I can pick up here in the UK, shipping from the States being fairly expensive.
Check this link for something that might meet your needs and that you can easily make yourself.
There's a good kind that is offered by many sources in the US for $30 or so. I'd bet that you can find similar jigs in the UK. The jig is a piece of metal or plastic with a row of holes in it. It can be used with a drill, but it works much better with a plunge router. The depth stop on the router ensures that the hole will never come through the back side. With a router, a template guide positions the router in the hole. Use a bit designed for plunge cutting.
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