Hi all,
I will visit the U.S. next week. I would like to shop for some woodworking hand tools. Can you recommend any places in Detroit MI (area).
Hi all,
I will visit the U.S. next week. I would like to shop for some woodworking hand tools. Can you recommend any places in Detroit MI (area).
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There are two Woodcraft Supply stores in the Detroit metro area (one in Canton and I believe the other is in Warren). On Woodward Avenue in Bloomfield Hills you'll find a Rockler store and Glenn Wing (mostly power tools but a fair collection of hand tools, as well). However, you can purchase from most of these stores via catalog and mail order which may be easier than hunting for these stores in Detroit.
Just a quick clarification... I happen to live quite near the Rockler store and It's actually in Royal Oak, at the corner of Woodward and Normandy. The Woodworker's store is located in Sterling Heights- 15 1/2 (?) and Van Dyke.
I've also found that the Performance Tool Line stores have very competitive prices on their tools- even compared to online retailers. There stuff is pretty general tho, you're not going to find Starrett or Lie Neilsen for ex. Porter Cable, Delta, Makita etc... Yes
Hello Jim
Rockler is on Woodward but its cross street is webster (not Normandy, Just a mile off.)
I agree with you on everything else.
One more store,if you are around Brighton/Howell. there is a store called Beversmith on Grand River.I havent been there for a while,But thay also have nice hand tools. it just might be worth the drive?
take 96 to the Brighton exit and head north, appx. 6 miles. on Grand River.
Good luck. C.A.G.
oooops! my BAD! geez, i've only lived around there for ten years! you'd think i'd know my cross streets by now!
so sorry!
What type of hand tools? Plane, chisel, saw, rasp, spokeshave. Other than what was suggested maybe Marsh Power Tool or Performance Line Tool. Not much else that I know of. Beter off mail order for the higher end stuff.
Maybe LN or Veritas block plane or rabbit plane. If I buy it in a shop I will not have shipment cost and do not have to pay import taxes at home (providing its below the free limit). This adds up to considerable saving.
If LN is what you want than goto Woodcraft. both stores are about 1/2 to 1 hr from the bridge. But you must see the slection at performance tools mostly power tools.
thanks a lot. I've looked it up on the internet and it's not very far from where I'm staying. Gone treat myself...
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