I recently made a fine piece of furniture for my wife and she is insisting that I brand my signature into a drawer.
I have seen branding irons in either Woodworkers Supply or Woodcraft.
I would appreciate suggestions to broden my options.
I recently made a fine piece of furniture for my wife and she is insisting that I brand my signature into a drawer.
I have seen branding irons in either Woodworkers Supply or Woodcraft.
I would appreciate suggestions to broden my options.
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How about a woodburning pen? I use one for name, date, and a little geometric design that's like a logo.
I assume you freehand your info onto an item using the woodburning pen. Correct?
What's your opinion of using a rubber stamp?
Bill Arnold
Food for Thought: The Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
Wife wants it burned into the wood. I have not thought about a woodburning pin. For this particular need, it would seem hard to use. I want it to be burned into the top(smallest) drawer and on the inside side panel. Just thinking it would be difficult to execute without removing the bottom.
i have a woodburner from rockler. it works well. it is the handmade by type.
i use this for my art show stuff. when i do a piece of custom furniture I burn it but i also use a sharpee to write handmade by David Shafron. I personally like to have the name of the person that did the work sign the work. I am not a fan of a rubber stamp.
Whatever brand you get, besides your name, make sure that there is some contact info so every piece you make is an advertisement for the next piece and a person has a way to contact you. My brand consists of my name, the year with the copyright symbol and my web site address. Thru my website they can get my email or phone number. Galleries do sometiems get upset at this, but since the work is on consignement, there'e not much they can do about it.
The url for Brand New Branding Irons is http://www.brandnew.net/branding_irons/irons2.shtml
Good luck,
Mark Levin
Edited 8/29/2004 10:07 am ET by MSL
I do not take commissioned work, though I might. I have been asked to price a couple pieces and I have turned the work down. I am a retired hobbiest.
I do not know what a sharpee is and would like more about it.
BTY, I like your website.
thank you.
a sharpie is a permanent marker.
you can get them at any office supply store. i have black and a silver for darker woods. i may be a good alternative to buying a branding iron.
I use one from Norcraft. It was expensive but very well made and I feel worth the money. His no. is: 800-538-4831.
>> I use one from Norcraft.
Here's a link, for those who prefer to deal with computers.
Thanks everyone.
Is this a good forum or what???? Just like that, I have enough suggestions to make a decision.
I searched for the same thing for quite a while. I tried sharpie's, branding using a soldering iron, pencil, etc, etc. I looked for india ink pens. I finally found something that doesn't smudge when finish is applied and is black and fine tipped. It's a gel grip pen made by Uniball. The model is Signo with the 0.7 tip. It's refillable, writes clearly, and generally leaves a nice looking line. You can find it at staples.com.There are more old drunkards than old doctors. Ben Franklin
My wife wants something that is permanent. Is this the ticket?
I've used it twice and I believe it is permanent.There are more old drunkards than old doctors. Ben Franklin
Re: felt tips
Some of them say "permanent" , but there was some comment about this in a thread of a couple of months ago, and several claimed the mark would fade over time.
What do artists use for "pen and ink" drawings? Is that India ink? If you don't want to go the burn-in route, such ink is probably the most reliable alternative.
might consider using a carpenter's pencil - a firm hand and the inscription will last for hundreds of years if placed on a 'no wear' location - much flexibility for dates, information, dedication, etc - - another trick: I sometimes use a vibrating engraver (varible speed, <$10) - - works best on hard woods (e.g. maple vs poplar)
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