I am trying to find plans for a “sliding cradle” or fence for a table saw. Please email info to [email protected]
Edited 8/19/2002 4:20:09 PM ET by hdsc
I am trying to find plans for a “sliding cradle” or fence for a table saw. Please email info to [email protected]
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Would like to help, but not sure what you are interested in. Could you describe it?
Rev Ted
Thanks for the reply. This is a great set of plans.
There's one in R. J. Cristoforo's book The Jigs & Fixtures Bible (I think, don't have it to hand right now). I built that version and it worked so well that after I cut it completely in two I built a second version, with a few more inches in front and back of the saw blade.
There's also one in Taunton's "Ingenious Jigs and Fixtures" book. should be able to pick it up for under $20.
Good luck
Highland Hardware sells a set of slides that come with simple instructions on constructing a sled. The trickiest (and most critical) part is squaring the fence up. HH instructions have a great method for doing this without relying on out-ofsquare" framing squares.
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