i’m looking for a sliding table. I found Excalibur slt60 and Exactor. What do you think about sliding table and this two brand ? Do you have another ideas ?
i’m looking for a sliding table. I found Excalibur slt60 and Exactor. What do you think about sliding table and this two brand ? Do you have another ideas ?
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Those two are pretty much the same, invented by the same guy. I heard that Excalibur was taken over by someone else and pushed him out so he made a few changes and came out with Exactor. Both are pretty good units. I know folks with both and are pleased. Robland sells a slider that's a bit smaller but appears heavy duty. Also people have adapted the Dewalt hybrid one to fit on other saws.
Edited 6/5/2004 3:40 pm ET by rick3ddd
I owned an Exactor, attached to my Unisaw, and I believe it's suitable only for light duty work. Maintaining alignment was a serious issue.
The leap to a real sliding table saw such as a Robland, Hammer or Felder will be worth a lifetime of enjoyment. I've been a happy Felder owner for a few years.
Gary's right. It is on the fragile side but with some TLC it will work. An add on is still a half measure. KUFO and Rojek are probably the most inexpensive introductory sliders around plus the take a dado blade.
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