To all the subscribers out there,
How long does it take you to get your issue of fine woodworking? I still have yet to receive mine. But now that I have written this I will find it in the mail today.
Thank you
To all the subscribers out there,
How long does it take you to get your issue of fine woodworking? I still have yet to receive mine. But now that I have written this I will find it in the mail today.
Thank you
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I buy mine on the newsstands and almost always get it before my buddies get theirs
Since not every issue has things of interest to me I don't get every issue..
Oh you don't have it so bad, mine usually get here in a month and a half somethimes two and about twice a year they get stolen out of the mail on the way and I have to ask for replacements.
Derek, I sent off for the free trial issue in hopes of enjoying the magazine enough to subscribe. I have seen the magazine at Lowes for around $7-8 on the stand. I received numerous letters in the mail thanking me for subscribing and asking me to send in a check for the yearly amount. Funny thing happened though, I kept receiving the letters to pay my bill and yet I never received my free trial issue. I didn't subscribe by the way...... imagine that. Dale
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