My wife bought an empire bureau I am repairing. It lacks two knobs and screws for the drawers. Where can I get the 2″ mahogany knobs?
Lynn Tilton
My wife bought an empire bureau I am repairing. It lacks two knobs and screws for the drawers. Where can I get the 2″ mahogany knobs?
Lynn Tilton
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There are a few online retailers you might want to check out, but finding an exact match may be difficult depending on what you're looking for.
Van Dyke's
If you own a lathe or have a remote interest in learning to use one, turning your own knobs is really your best bet for getting a perfect match to the existing set. You can choose wood and a finish to match, and it doesn't take too much effort to get a close match in the shape.
Here's an article that walks through the process:
Matt Berger
Fine Woodworking
I’m having a hard time finding a wooden drawer pull used in Mike Pekovich’s Single Board Small Table. Can’t find a 5/8” knob that’s 1 1/4” long. Attached is the diagram for the knob. Thanks much. Michael
You can make one easily, even without a lathe. See this FWW article in which CB makes a shaker knob on a drill press.
Thanks for your fast reply. I'll give this a shot. Thanks much.
Thanks for the fast response but these are the wrong size.
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