I recently made a cabinet door out of spanish cedar and after sanding the door apparently licked some saw dust off my lips and wound up with a horrible taste in my mouth for hours. Has anyone else had this experience? Dose anyone have a HASMAT spec sheet on this material.
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Great site!! Thanks very much.
I recently used some spanish cedar over Christmas making a few humidors for friends. As I always wear a dust mask(plus safety glasses and ear protection), I have never tasted this wood. But its aroma is devine!!!
IMO, cedar in general is a pretty irritating wood in sawdust form. I can immerse myself in pine shavings with no ill effects, but just a little cedar sawdust on my arms will give me "the itchies" and I'm very careful not to breath it in when working with it. Be ye careful!
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
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