Can I use the speed control I use for my router to slow the speed of my bench grinder to a more usable speed for sharpening? I would like to speed up sharpening chisels and blades but wondered if the motor in a bench grinder was compatible with the control. Thanks for input.
That type of speed control is only good on a brush type motor. You can use a softer wheel whick will run cooler and wear faster or put a cooling system on your grinder. Woodcraft and Delta have inexpensive low speed grinders for a reasonable price. I use a sanding type system and buffer which runs cool and is very fast to sharpen.
you can also do an open dress on the wheel. all that is is dressing the wheel quickly so that the wheel has an open structure as oposed to a "glazed" surface. if your taking off enough material to burn your chisels then i would advise you just to ease up on the pressure and keep a container full of water nearby to keep things cool instead of modifying the grinder or buying expensive wheels.
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