I was given this plane years ago but, I’m missing the depth stop and fence. I would appreciate any leads.
I was given this plane years ago but, I’m missing the depth stop and fence. I would appreciate any leads.
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May want to try St. James Bay Tool Co. for repo parts.
Is this the part your looking for.
Looks like the right depth stop from photos I've seen. Any leads on the fence?
Do you want to sell one?
Let me know.
You can have one for free just e-mail me a ship to address and send me back the postage.
Both Stanley and Highlandwoodworking.com sell the fence and depth stop for the Stanley 78, a similar plane.
Patrick Leach says that #278s are often repaired with fences from #78s, which reduces their value. He has a photo comparing the two fences at http://www.supertool.com/StanleyBG/stan10.htm#num78.
You can find the Stanley catalog and order form by Googling "Stanley repair parts catalog".
Highland includes the #78 depth stop in a kit with part number 171913, $19.
They include the #78 fence in kit 171914, $11.
Stanley sells either of these kits for $10 + $5 shipping.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your reply. I've seen the web site, abd the differences in parts. I was also aware of the Highland kits. But, I'd like to find the one parts for the 278.
I just Googled stanley 278 parts. Several hits showed promise.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
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