I have a bunch of MDF cases to make for shop cabinet bases, what sizes of staple are good for pinning 3/4″ MDF till the glue dries. I use mostly PC air tools and saw the 16ga med crown 1 to 2″ capacity and two 18ga narrow crown guns 1/2 to 1″ and 1/2 to 1 1/2″
It will be lock joints on the corners and 1/2″ backs rabbated in flush . What other factors/uses should be considered? Thanks, Pat
I use 18 ga. 1.25" to pin mdf with good results.
DG, thanks, I was sooo afraid someone was going to say the 16ga was the only thing to do. That sucker is almost 6 pounds-empty- forget about the cost. I had to go to two home dopies (or is it dopey's, to be proper) before I found a person that could spell 'tool" and the guy said that they don't carry a 1/4" x1 1/2" stapler and he had no call for one in 7 years. They have the PC up to 1", ridgid and bostich at 7/32 x 1 1/2. He was so proud that he didn't even carry the staples for 1/4 x1 1/2 as he dosen't carry the stapler. I very nicely asked him why he would satisfy only his equipment stocked rather than the needs of the customer as it is a common requirement for many. I really behaved myself, thanked him and left. I was good. On my way to me truck in the rain, I held a discourse with myself that focused on his level of basic intelligence and the legitamacy if his birth. He just lost the sale of a tool 10,000 staples, the 27cal. ramset gun , pins and shots that I need to shoot the 2x4 plate for 125' of framing around my block wall perimiter of the new shop. Only about $400+ , I GUESS THEY HAVE A BETTER PLAN?
I got home and first danced thru the PC/CPO site and found the NS150A kit for $108.77 new OR $84.95 rebuilt + $6.95 ups. and settled for Amazon new at $99.77 and free shipping. DONE and thanks again. Pat
Good for you, I have always said stupidity should be expensive, glad to see you making somebody pay for theirs! You will like the stapler, it's the hot setup for tacking manmade materials.
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
You are a funny man, PD, ROFL. Thanks for the morning's entertainment. Thanks also for getting some advice printed here about stapler sizes. I need to get one, but had no idea what would do the job or where the best deals were.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Got the larger capacity PC stapler from amazon.com a few weeks ago, got the 10% additional discount and free shipping, and have been delighted with the performance. Couldn't find it at any local stores (just the 1" capacity), and amazon was the best online deal I found after an extensive search.
It was another case of, "why didn't I get this sooner?"
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