Steaming a dent out with Water based poly finish

Clamping a cabinet carcass to pull things tight for installation a clamp created a dent in the Alder face frame. It is finished with General Finishes water based poly coated over Seal Coat shellac on top of Transtint dye.
Safe to try the water steaming process on water based finish?
Never tried it.
That's a lot of risk though. I would expect the poly to bubble and separate and the dye may change colour too.
If you have any spare stock, then the best option is to finish that the same way and try a test area.
I used a damp washcloth and clothes iron to get a dent (almost) out of a pine table from a dropped glass. It was finished in wipe-on oil based poly. It worked to a large degree, but not completely. The finish remained intact.
Rob SS makes a point about the dye color changing under heat. If I had a dent in a new build I'd probably take the chance, especially if the dent will fade visually when doors or drawers are installed. Replacing the part is always a last available option if the wheels come off.
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